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Banner Advertising

I would like to welcome to Benijofar Life our first advertiser using the Banner Advertising, Casas Manuel. Situated on the main street in Benijofar they have a wide range of properties for sale both in Benijofar and surrounding areas. They are a family run company and offer a great service to those buying and those selling.

Why not follow their lead and advertise your business on this website for only €25 euros per month. The Spanish Life websites are viewed by thousands of people each week - an opportunity NOT to be missed....

Back to Normal....

Well after a lovely Easter break and bank holidays both here and in the UK, its back to it for most people tomorrow - work and school!! And typically the weather forecast for the rest of the week is hot and sunny!! It was actually nicer in the UK this weekend than here!! Lots in the news today - Henry Cooper, boxing legend, has died and Osama Bin Laden has been killed. No doubt there will now be retaliation attacks....

Costa Women

Costa Women is a social network community for expat women living in Spain to share friendship, support and provide knowledge about living in this vibrant country. Membership is free. Come and join us to make some new friends and connections.

Contact Ali Meehan
Phone: 677251058


Do you have a website that I could look at please. I am in the U.k at the moment and would like to see what it is all about before I get to Spain again in July


Commented Paula in Benijofar 2011-04-29 17:54:37 UTC

Best to call the number in original post

Commented Marbella Life in Marbella 2011-04-29 18:30:56 UTC

I tried but was rejected
They can be reached on

Commented kasinspain in Elviria 2011-05-02 13:24:56 UTC


Sasen Ryu Karate Academy will be offering free lessons on the open day of the new studio in Quesada. The open day will commence with the Mayor of Quesada performing the opening ceremony. The day starts about 11 on Saturday 30th April in "The Studio" next door to the country club and under The Club. Dance, pilates and beauty treatments will also be having free sessions aswell.


Im there from 2pm doing a class as well and introducing people to my therapic clinics

Commented jason from jpsfitness in Quesada 2011-04-26 19:53:59 UTC

what/whos studio is this?

Commented Christine Polenastics in Cabo Roig 2011-04-27 23:36:02 UTC

Hi Christine
Its a brand new studio opening in Quesada. Jodie is the owner and she also owns/runs dance extreme. She hires out the studio on an hourly basis to qualified people. It also has Jason (above) hairdressers and beauty treatments. Come along on Saturday for the open day and have a look round. The Mayor is opening it at about 11.30 ish.

Commented Sensei in Quesada 2011-04-28 13:15:48 UTC

Yes I know Jodie, she went to a great deal of trouble to get in contact with me about doing my pole dance classes in her studio, but I haven't heard anything else from her.....

Commented Christine Polenastics in Cabo Roig 2011-04-28 19:44:09 UTC

Our free lesson at "The Studio" is at 1pm. All ages are welcome.

Commented Sensei in Quesada 2011-04-29 13:28:29 UTC

We had a brilliant day. The Studio was packed. Well done to all the new students who came along to try out and to our srudents who came along in support of us and Jodie.

Commented Sensei in Quesada 2011-05-02 13:17:43 UTC

ITV 1 Benidorm Star singer Shaun Foster Conley in concert

Taking UK Cabaret Theatres by storm ITV1 Benidorm Star singer Shaun Foster Conley brings his award winning concert to La Zenia Hotel Concert Suite on sat june 11th. Tickets ~@ Easy Ads La Zenia or go on more info:

Los Balcones

Royal Wedding Street Party

La Marina Phaze 5 had a fantastic street party, even though it started off in the rain, but we had a great time.
What did other people do???

Big Weekend of Football in the Premiership

Some huge games being played on Saturday and Sunday, both at the top and bottom of the Premiership.Have your say about your team, what do you think the outcome will be between Chelsea and Spurs, Arsenal and Man Utd, Man City and West Ham, Birmingham and Wolves and Blackpool and Stoke to name but a few. Apologies if I haven´t mentioned all the teams.


I have to say as a Chelsea man for 40 years I still hope they do well, but yet again I have to take my hat off to Man Utd they look like they have done it again. I watched the program in the week about the plain crash, very moving indeed, what a club.

Commented Daves Homes in Rojales 2011-04-29 17:45:40 UTC

Love the comments Dave, I must agree that I think that its only United´s to lose now, however football is such an unpredictable sport it could change if Chelsea beat Spurs tomorrow and Arsenal beat United on sunday. Just hope we get some exciting games to enjoy and debate.

Commented Rio in Almoradi 2011-04-29 20:14:30 UTC

We are Chelsea, Super Chelsea. Loved it yesterday watching Chelsea beat Spurs. We had some luck at last. Should of had a Penalty aswell. All we need now is United to slip up against Arsenal and its squeeky bum time for them. Get in there my Super Blues.

Commented David Croft in Quesada 2011-05-01 11:12:40 UTC

Well done to Chelsea for putting pressure on Man Utd. Wow what a game it promises to be at the Emirates today. Just hope its a treat to all football fans and the officials get all the decisions right.

Commented Rio in Almoradi 2011-05-01 12:12:56 UTC


If you are looking for a freezer, fridge or fridge/freezer take a look in Home Comforts at the great choice.


For all the people, Companies and press that supported the Royal Wedding Fiesta on Friday in aid of Paul Cunningham Nurses all your support was very much appreciated.



We are coming over to Quesada in a few months and am keeping an eye on the Events calender but see not much is going on. I think this could be because no one is putting the information on, so if you do not mind please tell the rest of us what is happening in Quesada its a big help


Successful Speaking Club TM meeting in Manolo¨s Restaurant, Doña Pepa on the 1st Friday of each month at 6pm, if you want to communicate well and improve your personal confidence, in a fun, safe, supportive environment.
Everyone welcome, for more information call Linda on 966 716 919

Commented info in Quesada 2011-05-01 07:25:49 UTC
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